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Gardening Top Tips For March

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Get a head start in the garden this month with our top gardening jobs for March.

Our top jobs for the month include…

In the fruit & veg garden

Plant early veg in the ground now

Plant Shallots, onion sets and early potatoes, spacing them 10-15cm apart.

Growing strawberries this year?

Plant strawberries in a hanging basket to keep the fruits away from slugs.

Prepare your vegetable beds

Start hoeing veg beds as soon as the weather starts to warm up, as weeds will germinate quickly.

In the flower garden

Keep on top of deadheading

Continue deadheading spring flowers and any remaining winter bedding so they don’t set seed.

Get your bulbs planted in time

Plant lilies and other summer-flowering bulbs in pots and borders.

Give your perennials and grasses a good refresh

Cut back any perennials and ornamental grasses to make way for new growth.

In and around the garden

Maintain your trees and shrubs

Prune out any wind-damaged branches on trees and shrubs to keep them happy and healthy.

Get ready to start composting

Build or buy a new compost bin, ready to recycle the coming season’s garden waste

Improve your soil ready for the growing season

Dig a layer of compost or farmyard manure into your beds, and work in a fertiliser such as chicken manure or fish, blood and bone.


Visit our top picks for this month page 


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